Standarization of Kintamani Dog

Diposting oleh keren on Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Decision Conggress II PERKIN 18 Feb. No. 2006. Kep. 06/RAKERNAS/II/2006

CLASSIFICATION FCI:Group 5, Spitz and Primitive TypesGroup 5, the Asian Spitz and Related Breeds

ORIGINS:Kintamani Bali, Indonesia


GENERAL APPEARANCE:Bali Kintamani dog look beautiful with a medium-size, type of guard dog.Long whitish fur, looks lovely and thick,Badong have fur or feathers are long dormant in the neck and tail, fluffy tail like a squirrel loose.

CHARACTER / temperament:Including the brave and agile dog, smart and easily trained.Having a vigilant and suspicious nature of the high. Living close and loyal to their owners.

HEAD:Into the category of the head is clean (clean head), head of the top width,flat forehead and cheeks with a large and powerful jaws, and in accordance with the size of the head.

THE SKULL:Seen from above almost a little triangle with a long snout and a half of the length of the head, the little indentation in the middle.

NOSE:The nose is black and dark brown. Pale color of the nose can be changed in accordance with the growth of age.

JAW:Dental scissors with a number of teeth in upper jaw 20, being in the lower jaw 22.

LIPS:Lips blackish brown, mottled blue or bluish tongue completely.

EYES:Eyes of medium size oval shaped like almonds. With white eyelashes, dark brown eyes.

EARS:Ear strong and thick, standing upright, and leaves the ears facing forward rather like a V upside down with the tip slightly rounded.

NECK:The neck is strong with long, strong perototan system, looks beautiful and graceful as well as two-tiered and thick fur.

AGENCY:Comparison of height and body length is 9: 10.Backs: Straight and strong.Chest: Wide elbow to the sternum reaching the front foot.Rib: oval-shaped.

TAIL:Bushy tail stand, a circular to the front with the middle to the end of the circular bit out like a squirrel tail.

FOOTNOTES:Forelegs straight and parallel, strong fingers and gripping like a cat.Hind legs when viewed from belakng standing parallel, when viewed from the side rather straight with a slight angulation.

And STEP MOVEMENT:Light footed and free.

SKIN:Pigmented, brown-black on the nose, eyelids, scrotum, anus, pelatum, lips and soles of the feet.

FEATHER:Long-haired and thick, whitish with reddish white feather tip.Fur ears and tip of tail and back of thighs red hair orange. Long hair fur at the shoulders like a fan called Badong.

STATURE:Male dog is 45-55 cm.Bitches 40-50 cm.

FATAL ERROR:Coat color other than white and red-orange when not present in the ear.Body size of less than 40 cm or more than 57 cm.
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